The creditor matrix must contain the mailing address
of all appropriate parties.
Each mailing address should
not exceed five lines. If the address exceeds
five lines, it will not be properly noticed by
the court. To fix the address, you must make the
appropriate modifications in the original software.
When creating a creditor mailing matrix the information
must be a . txt file for creditor
upload. Creditors are uploaded to new cases only.
The Declaration should be a separate .PDF file, and
it should not be combined with the motion or application.
When attaching a Declaration as a supportive
document, when filing in ECF, it should be a separate
entry or as an attachment to the Main
The Declaration of Electronic
Filing (CSD 1801) is a required declaration by
the attorney and the debtor’s acknowledgment of
filing documents electronically, such as petition,
schedules, and opening a bankruptcy case on their
This form must be filed electronically
within 14 days of filing the petition electronically
providing the debtor(s)' original signature(s)
in a scanned format. ( "/s/ typed name of
debtor" will not be accepted.) If
not filed within 14 days the case can be considered
for dismissal.
The Document Event represents the document that will
be filed electronically. The document events can be found
through the Search
option on the CM/ECF menu bar.
The online document event Search option allows
the filer to locate the appropriate document event
from the CM/ECF Menu Bar and to proceed with filing
the document.
into the CM/ECF using your PACER login and
ClickSearch on the CM/ECF Menu Bar.
a word, phrase or court form number of the
desired event in the "Search Menus and
Events" box.
Click the magnifying
glass to begin the search.
the list of hyperlinked document events, which
will contain the entered word(s) or form number,
to determine the appropriate document event
for your document. Each event will appear
below the category through which it is filed.
on the appropriate event to commence the filing
and follow the associated procedure
from the Manual (located on the CM/ECF
Menu Bar) to ensure accurate filing of the
Filing the document
through this venue will automatically
skip steps one and two of the Manual's
The ECF manual has step-by-step procedures for most
of the document events in the Document Event directories.
You can search your event using the Search field on
the manual.
The ECF manual has step-by-step procedures for most
of the document events in the Document Event directories.
You can search your event using the Search field on the
The ECF filing system has two filing menus: Bankruptcy
and Adversary. Selecting the appropriate menu for the
proceeding type will then display the appropriate categories
to file the document. For example, when filing a motion,
select the Bankruptcy or Adversary menu and then select
The filing screens for most events are shown below.
Prompts will appear when data fields (such as hearing
dates, proof of service dates, etc.) are required for
the filing.
Case Number - enter the appropriate
case number
Party Filer selection - select
the party filer for the document being filed.
Document Event selection - select
the appropriate event for the main document being
Browse field - attaches the .PDF
file for the document.
Attachment to Documents - select
"yes" to move to an additional browse
field. Use only for supportive documents.
Filed date - enter the document
file date.
Refer to Existing Event(s)? - select
to link back to a related document.
Modify docket text - modify text
using the free-text boxes or the prefixes in the drop-down
menu. Use only for pertinent information not already
built in the standard docket text.
Warning screen - verify before
the docket text and the .PDF file are placed onto
the court’s docket as a permanent record.
the fonts in Adobe Acrobat will ensure that letters
and symbols appear accurately and clearly on the .PDF
file. Embedding fonts in Adobe Acrobat needs to be done
only once.
When filing a fee document, a summary of charges window
will appear and allow you to select Pay Now
or Continue Filing.
Now allows the user to pay the amount due.
Filing allows the user to continue filing and
then when done, pay the total amount shown on the
summary of charges.
If this window does not appear, your PopUp Blocker may
be on. You can also access it using Credit
Card Payments in the Reports menu. To access this
report, you must log in with your PACER E-filing login
and password.
When initiating a new action in the case (such as filing
a motion or application), the new action should be filed
first before any notice or supportive documents.
When the filing fees are not paid, the ECF system will
lock you out. If you are locked
out of the system, no bankruptcy or adversary filing
menus appear, you must pay
the fees that are due to continue.
For security reasons, always log out of the system when
you have finished filing. The proper way to log out of
the ECF system is to use the Log Out menu.
MAIN document is for which the document event is chosen.
attaching supportive documents to the MAIN document
when filing in ECF, they become the second, third,
etc., documents to follow.
can be viewed on the docket report as the assigned
document number for the MAIN document. When you click
the numbered hyperlink, it will then display the MAIN
document number again and the subsequent documents.
As we are now a NextGen
Court, once the ECF filer has successfully completed
the ECF Training and has registered with PACER
for their own individual PACER account, the ECF filer's
PACER account will be activated to both file and look
up case information in our court.
E-Filing account is the ECF Filer's responsibility if
they are shared with office staff.
The Notice of Electronic Filing is your receipt
(confirmation) for the filing.
We recommend that you print the receipt or save
it as a .PDF file for your records.
This notice can also be used in the event that
an attachment, such as large exhibits, needs to be
attached to this document. Attach the notice to the
exhibit and bring the exhibit to the court. The court
will scan the exhibit and attach it to the appropriate
docket entry as on the notice.
Whenever a document can be filed in the Notices &
Hearing category, the document must be filed as a separate
docket entry under its own document event. This category
creates deadlines, due dates, objection periods, etc.
The plaintiff’s attorney MUST be added during adversary
case opening. If it is not done, the issued summons
will appear incorrectly. If the issued summons is incorrect,
contact the appropriate
case administrator to correct it.
When filing case documents relating to another document,
link it back
to that document. The rule of thumb is to relate noticing,
supporting and opposing documents to the MAIN document
(usually a motion or application) unless the procedure
states differently. Linking documents back to other documents
makes it easier to locate on the docket and in reports.
When filing any document in a .PDF file (such as the
petition) always have the social security number redacted,
as stated in the Privacy Rule, General
Order 168.
When debtor information is uploaded during case opening,
either manual input or via a debtor.txt file, must include
the complete social security number. The ECF system will
redacted the social security number on the case docket.
The public will only see the redacted number.
The Statement of Social Security
Number is a required document for the debtor’s
statement of their social security numbers.
This form must be filed the same
day (within 24 hours) as the petition. The form
can be filed over-the-counter (with original signatures)
or electronically with /s/name. If not filed within
24 hours of the newly filed case, the case can
be considered for dismissal.
This entry will be secured so
that the public will not be able to view the pdf
document from the docket report.
The ECF document event
for the main document chosen will display
a question "Attach to Documents?"
on the Browse field screen. Selecting "yes"
will display another screen with a Browser
When filing the document, we recommend that you verify
your .PDF files. This ensures that the correct files are
selected for the selected document events.