have the option to view the ECF manual in one window and the ECF
database in another, both open at the same time. This allows the
user to view the ECF database, while following the related procedure.
Here is a graphic of the CM-ECF manual
and the ECF database windows working simultaneously.
Browsers like Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox allows
multiple windows to be opened. But, once you have the windows
opened, the trick is to have two windows side by side. This means
that you will have to resize your windows to fit on your computer
Below are instructions for opening the ECF database and the ECF
manual. And instructions on how to resize, adjust and/or more
your windows to work simultaneously.
Window CM/ECF Database |
- Access the court's website at
- Click on "CM/ECF" hyperlink.
- Chose either "" or the "" button to access the database.
- Click on Southern
District of California - Document Filing System
to access the Login screen
- Enter your and password.
- You have opened the ECF database
in one window.
SECOND Window ECF Manual |
- Access the ECF manual by clicking
on on ECF menu bar's. This launches the ECF
manual in its own window.
Resize, adjust, and/or move windows |
the hyperlink to learn more about how:
Having two windows open allow
to view the ECF database and follow related procedures