Registration of Preferred Creditor's Address (NCRS) |
Notices sent from all bankruptcy courts, or by the individual bankruptcy court(s) specified, will be redirected to the preferred mailing address for cases filed under all chapters of the Bankruptcy Code, effective within 30 days upon receipt.
When you fill in the preferred address registration agreements you must list the name(s) and address(s) and name synonyms (spelling variations of the name) commonly used in debtor filings where you are identified as a creditor. Software will attempt to match the names and addresses provided by you to the name and address included in the mailing list. In most cases, the addresses in the courts mailing list are provided by the debtor. If a match is made, the notice will be redirected to the preferred name and address specified by you. If the recipient name and address in the courts mailing list do not match any combination of names and addresses you provided, the BNC will mail the notice to the address provided in the mailing list.
To Register the Creditor's Preferred Address for noticing: