Application by Trustee or DIP to Defer Payment of Fee for Filing Complaint

CSD: 2017

Local Rule #

Federal Rule #

Category: Motions/Applications


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Open an Adversary Case

Application to Defer Payment
(Trustee or Debtor in Possession Only)

         Return of Summons Served

This document event is ONLY for the trustee and/or the Debtor-in-Possession. This will defer the filing fee for the complaint.
  1. Select Adversary menu.
  2. Select Motions/Applications.
  3. Ensure correct case name and number match the document you are filing.
  4. Select party filer.
    • Party filer not listed, Add/Create New Party.
  5. Select Document Event: Defer Payment of Fee for Filing Complaint  by Trustee or DIP (Application) (CSD 2017).
  6. Browse, verify and attach the CSD 2017 (PDF file).
    • Attach supportive documents, if applicable.
  7. Select Complaint by... (docket text).
  8. Modify text to add pertinent information, such as Amended, if applicable.
  9. Verify final docket text before submitting onto case docket.
  10. Print the Notice of Electronic Filing. It's your receipt.
    • From the Notice of Electronic Filing;
    • Ensure Order GRANTING Application docket text is on this page. This indicates that the order has been entered onto the adversary case docket. 
  11. Ensure fee was removed from your "fee due" report by accessing the Credit Card  Payment report  under the Reports menu. 

Quick Note

Once the Application has been submitted, the event should automatically remove the adversary filing fee from your "fees due" report.

If not, contact Finance at 619-557-5376 for instructions.




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